Relaxation times in nuclear magnetic resonance

Article no. P5942200 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
45 Minutes
Pupils , Students


The principles of relaxation processes using the MR technology are demonstrated. Experiments are executed with the MRT training device giving the opportunity to investigate some small probes in the sample chamber. Device control is done with the provided software. Investigations comprise the estimation of the relaxation time T1 which is a measure of time for reestablishing the longitudinal magnetization, the measurement of this latter time and the measurement of the relaxation time T2 which is a measure of time for the decline of the transverse magnetization. T1 and T2 are specific to the sample material and thus give important evidence for the composition of the subject of investigation. 


  • Complete, easy to install and affordable MRT education system
  • One system to cover all aspects from NMR basics to sophisticated 2D and 3D imaging sequences
  • Detailed experiment guides included with the system
  • Learning results guaranteed thanks to easy to manage course steps
  • Can be set up at any location in the student lab


  1. Estimation of the relaxation time T1 via two successive 90° HF pulses
  2. Measuring the relaxation time T1 using an automatic software routine
  3. Measuring the relaxation time T2 using an automatic software routine

Learning objectives

  • Nuclear spins
  • Precession of nuclear spins
  • Resonance condition, MR frequency
  • MR flip angle
  • Longitudinal and transverse magnetization
  • FID signal (Free Induction Decay)
  • T1/T2 relaxation times 
  • Measuring T1/T2 relaxation times
  • Spin-lattice relaxation (T1)
  • Spin-spin relaxation (T2)
  • Dephasing

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Relaxation times in nuclear magnetic resonance
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