measure Software multi channel analyser

Article no. 14452-61 | Type: Software

Teachers/Professors , Students

Function and Applications

Software for PC-controlling of theMulti-Channel-Analyser and forevaluation and graphicalpresentation of measurements.The software for "Multi-ChannelAnalyser" is part of the software family"measure".This software is charactarised by easyand intuitive features and is very userfriendly.


  • With this software all measured quantities from the Multi-Channel Analyser can be recorded and graphically displayed.
  • These features make the software "measure" and "Multi-Channel-Analyser" to a universal system which enhances your daily teaching in physics, chemistry and biology.
  • The software "measure" offers a large variety of features like:
  • Control of all parameters of the Multi-Channel-Analyser
  • Data display, collection and graphical display
  • The "measure" main program offers a powerful tool box for data analysis
  • Data export in any Windows (TM) application
  • and many more

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Digital learning
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